
What is BioLearn?

The natural world is a storehouse of ideas and ingenuity. What can we learn from nature to create more sustainable human societies? BioLearn offers practical learning activities for upper primary pupils to learn from nature to solve human challenges.

BioLearn offers practical, hands-on, enquiry-based learning for pupils aged 9-12.

This website provides you with:

  • Ready to deliver activities and lesson plans.
  • Inspiring examples of how biomimicry inspires ingenuity, creativity and sustainable solutions.
  • Resources to deliver a Biomimicry Day in your school.
  • Training support and information for teachers.

BioLearn is delivered by a consortium of European education specialists. Please contact us to learn more.

BioLearning for the Future - Smart by Nature

BFL (BioLearning for the Future) provides biomimciry learning and inspiration to primary schools across Europe. It offers children aged 9-12 years hands-on activities to explore the natural world, start to understand how nature is a sustainable system, and apply this learning to the human built world.

BLF is based on the principles of biominicry, the science and art of mimicking the best ideas from nature to solve human problems.​ Thanks to the Biomimicry Institute who have pioneered this work and inspired us all.

BLF helps young people think about what sort of future they would like. How can they contribute to that future? Can it become reality? BLF provides pupils with the core competences to observe and question the natural world, to understand how nature provides lessons for humans to live sustainability, and encourage pupils to become curious as to how they can make a contribution. Critically, biomimicry offer a hopeful set of practices for a better and sustainable future, not the doom, gloom limited vision offered by many education programmes.

BLF delivers learning which can tangibly contribute to schools supporting a more sustainable Europe. We want to use biomimicry as a uniquely valuable pedagogical teaching practice because of its dramatic potential to engage students’ interests and generate excitement. No subject can be taught successfully if it doesn’t generate sufficient student interest. Because student interest is a pre-requisite to learning, teacher pedagogies must be evaluated with this all important criterion in mind. Fortunately, biomimicry education has a track record of success in generating student interest, as well as a strong theoretical foundation to explain its merit.

BioLearning or the Future - Smart by Nature is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme - 2021-1-HU01-KA220-SCH-000027718.

A Framework for Biomimicry Learning

What do good biomimicry learning resources look like? What should be included? Our learning framework offers educators a series of themed questions to explore when creating learning resources. It is not a tick list, but rather questions to reflect on during planning and delivery.

Read the learning framework.

Project Evaluation

The project has excelled in facilitating the transfer of biomimicry expertise across multiple levels – partners, teachers, pupils and a wide range of education providers. This cascading model has significantly enhanced the capabilities of all involved. Key outcomes include improved understanding of biomimicry methods, increased ability to create high-quality educational resources, and strengthened capacity to deliver impactful training to both teachers and pupils.

Download and read the full evaluation report here.

Who is delivering BLF?

BLF is a consortium of:

Magosfa Foundation (Hungary)

Wild Awake (UK)

BiomimicryNL (Netherlands)

Centrum environmentálnych aktivít (Slovakia)

SEVER - Středisko ekologické výchovy SEVER Horní Maršov, o.p.s. (Czech)