Brilliant Bacteria

Humans have taken inspiration from bacteria in an amazing way to correct varriations in our body's blueprint (DNA).

The blueprint or instruction manual for making our bodies has differences. This leads to each of us being a little bit difference from each other in wonderful ways. However, these differences can sometimes lead to our bodies not working as we would like them to.

The instruction manual for our bodies is written on a long string called DNA. This instruction manual is balled-up inside each of our body's cells.

Imagine now that somewhere in this instruction manual there is an instruction which we do not want. This string could lead to health problems for a person.

It can be very difficult to find and remove this varriation, because there is so much string! Also, imagine our ball of string is microscopic (invisible to the eyes) and that you have to remove the varriation with absolute precision, or you could cause other problems.


Shows your pupils a very long piece of string, which is folded in all sorts of ways into a confusing ball. Somewhere in the middle, a very small section is marked with a different color. Ask pupils to try to find the marked place – it is not easy. It turns out bacteria have a tool which can change instruction manuals with great precision.

Now let's try to imitate it - on a much simpler task, of course.

  1. Provide each pupils with a piece of paper containing printed dots (see pupil worksheet below) and explain to them that the paper represents the instruction manual (DNA). The small red font shows the instruction text (DNA) and black dots show imaginary varriations leading to major health problems.
  2. Give pupils different tools to cut out the black dots (useless DNA) as precisely as possible. It is important not to damage the red text around. The tools should to be variously suited to the task, e.g. nail clippers, spoon, pencil, fork, table knife, compasses, large and smaller scissors. Offer some pupils a hole punch that exactly matches the size of the black dots and you can show them how to work with it.
  3. Let pupils try to cut out one black dot (varriation leading to health problems). Then invite them to borrow different tools from each other to see how the result differs when using each one.
  4. Discuss what was most important for the best possible completion of the task. The answer is the right tool. That's what bacteria excel at, and that's why they've shown humans how to edit DNA as precisely as possible.
  5. People had already tried to change DNA even before they copied this excellent tool from bacteria, but the accuracy of the previous methods was roughly similar to the results with the other tools (except the hole punch) that we used in our task.


Scientists have learned how to alter our DNA, our body's instruction manual, by studying and learning from bacteria. Bacteria have a tool which allows them to very precisely change DNA. Bacteria use this tool on viruses, whenever viruses bother them. Bacteria don't like viruses attacking them any more than we do (some viruses give us colds, for example, and make us feel sick). To stop viruses from attacking them, bacteria can use something like a very small pair of scissors, and cut the virus' DNA which is harmful to them. This stops the virus from causing them problems.

Scientists have now learned how to use this tool, these very small scissors, to precisely cut and modify our own DNA, our own instruction manual. With this tool, we can alter a person's instruction manual, and improve their chances to live a healthy life. We can also use this tool to modify the instruction manual of other organisms, not just humans.

How this helps the world

Using the mechanism described above, it is possible to remove not only some potentially harmful parts from DNA, but also to add various beneficial properties. Moreover, we can use it not only in humans, but also in other living organisms - animals, plants, fungi. We can create, for example, plants that are more resistant to high temperatures or drought (due to the climate crisis). The possibilities are endless.

Ask pupils to suggest examples of things that this tool could beneficially alter for humans and other organisms. Support pupils as necessary during their work, e.g. by talking together about an overview of the most current problems of humanity and the environment. Create a shared list of ideas from the whole class – are there any they’d like to explore further and perhaps research what is already taking place? 

(Note for teachers: In the event that students' proposals take on bizarre Frankenstein-like outlines, please warn them of the potential risks.)

STEAM links

Some STEAM opportunities include:

  • Broadening the scientific view of the world around.
  • Testing and developing ideas about everyday phenomena.
  • Asking questions.
  • Using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.

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